IRC ( Infrared Coagulation)
Can piles be treated without surgery ?

Yes, it can be treated without surgery with IRC

Do I Need To Come With My Driver For The IRC Treatment?

No, there’s no need to come with the driver as you can drive by your own after the treatment.

Do I Need To Come Empty Stomach For The IRC Treatment?

No, there’s no need to come empty stomach.

When can I resume my daily routine after the treatment ?

Immediately after the treatment. There is no need of bed rest.

Is anaesthesia required for piles treatment ?

No , anaesthesia is not required in IRC treatment because it is painless treatment.

Laser treatment
Can laser technology cure piles permanently?

Advanced laser technology is a high-precision method that will treat piles permanently

Is anaesthesia required for piles treatment ?

Yes, Laser treatment is performed under spinal / general anaesthesia.

How many days of bed rest are required after Laser Treatment?

Patients usually required 1-2 days of bed rest.

Can fistula be treated with laser ?

Yes, Fistula can be treated with laser successfully

Do I Need To Take My Previous Medical Records With Me?

Yes, it will help your doctor to assist in a better way.

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